Last "Forever young"

Today I saw the last Forever young show, forever! I'm heart broken. My favorite show and they were so good! Yes I cried, alot, like a baby. Okey I didn't cry like a baby, but there were thears. I'll watch all the shows the coming week. And take a lot of pictures that I can look at when I'm missing Blue Village and feeling lonely in Cape Verde.
Oh yes! You didn't know that. I'm going to Cape Verde for the winter. And if you dont know where that is I can tell you it's a small island west of Africa. Like a really small island! I got an email from my next manager with some info. The sentence that kind of stuck in my brain was: "If you prefer to sleep with a blanket, you should bring one".
Although I'm sure I'll like it there, I'm freaking out. I'm not ready to go yet. And I also know I'll meet new lovely people there. But I'm not ready to leave the amazing once I have here!
So this last week will contain a lot of tears, awesome shows, stress, sorting out stuff, blanket shopping, more tears, party, dinners and even more tears. One of the reasons I resigned as a guide, when I did that over a year ago, was becaus of this. The goodbyes are too hard for me. Even though I know that I'll see the people I want to see again, but you never know when, I will miss them so much during the time I don't see them.
As I have mentioned before thare is something speciall with people you meet in guidelife; Not only do they become your colleagues, they also become your friends and family.
Okey so this was kind of a sad post, but that's just what I'll be the coming week...
Love, BB

Postat av: Allan Lindqvist

Forever young,jag med!

2015-10-14 @ 15:23:00

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